P O W E R E D    B Y
iWeathar stations - long lasting, high quality and made in RSA

Fri Apr 26 23:24:33 2024
Area:Kromdrift Farm
GPS Co-ordinates:S 30º 5' 47, E 29º 12' 53
ASL:5501 feet
Sunrise / Sunset:06:29 / 17:33
Beaufort Scale:Calm
Last Update:2024-04-26 23:20:44
Weather Summary: In the last few minutes the wind was Northerly at an average speed of 0 kmh, reaching up to 0 kmh and a low of 0 kmh. The gust strength is0 kmh above the minimum speed
Wind Speed:0|0|0 kmhWind Direction:N Temperature:11.2°C
Wet Bulb:10.1°CDiscomfort:56Humidity:90%
Rainfall Today:0mm12 hrs Rainfall:0mm24 hrs Rainfall:0mm
Barometer:1032mbDew Point:9.6°CClouds AGL:632ft (193 m)
Density-Alt:5879ft (1792 m)Fire Danger:
T O D A Y S   R E C O R D S
Wind Gust:20 km/hMin Temp:11.2 °CMax Temp:18.3 °C
Wind Average:11 km/hMin Hum:67 %Max Hum:99 %