Fri Apr 19 21:55:28 2024
GPS Co-ordinates:S 30º 58' 51, E 22º 8' 04
ASL:3900 feet
Sunrise / Sunset:06:54 / 18:07
Beaufort Scale:Gentle Breeze
Last Update:2024-03-25 12:33:52
Weather Summary: No update has been received for over 12 hours or longer.

iWeathar stations power down automatically when the battery runs low to prevent damage to the battery.

Wind Speed:0|15|36 kmhWind Direction:WNW 292°Temperature:29.9°C
Wet Bulb:20.5°CDiscomfort:96Humidity:41%
Rainfall Today:0mm12 hrs Rainfall:0mm24 hrs Rainfall:0mm
Barometer:1008.2mbDew Point:15.2°CClouds AGL:5878ft (1792 m)
Density-Alt:6864ft (2092 m)Fire Danger:
W I N D F I N D E R   F O R E C A S T