Sat Jul 27 10:15:18 2024
GPS Co-ordinates:S 34º 3' 22, E 18º 27' 03
ASL:45 feet
Sunrise / Sunset:07:43 / 18:03
Beaufort Scale:Fresh Breeze
Last Update:2024-07-27 10:12:58
Weather Summary: In the last few minutes the wind was North North East at an average speed of 30 kmh, reaching up to 56 kmh and a low of 11 kmh. The gust strength is45 kmh above the minimum speed
Wind Speed:11|30|56 kmhWind Direction:NNE 16°Rainfall Today:0mm
12 hrs Rainfall:0mm24 hrs Rainfall:0mmBarometer:1008.7mb
T O D A Y S   R E C O R D S
Wind Gust:68 km/h
Wind Average:42 km/h